Back to School


Sophia started back to school this week.  At first she was not sure if she wanted to go back and said she just wanted to stay home with me. After attending school for a couple of days she is now just as enthusiastic as ever about school.  She likes being an older kid in her class and showing the younger children where things are and explaining  the teachers rules.  Her teacher told Michael yesterday when he picked her up that she seemed to be getting more adjusted in her class.  Part of the problem is that she hates mornings and fights me about getting herself dressed each morning.  This is getting a little better every day.

Sophia is getting really excited about our family welcoming a new baby soon (my sister in law is due in about a month).  This has prompted a lot of really thought provoking questions like where babies come from and when is daddy going to have one.  This has also made her much more curious about her female parts and when she is going to become a lady.  I have really been enjoying answering these questions and am excited at how she is growing up.

I wanted to explain why have not been able to write much lately.  I have decided to go back to work full time.  Shortly after Sophia was born I quit my career position and have since stayed home to be a full time mom.  This is no longer necessary (thank goodness Sophia’s health has been so great lately).  I do not have a job yet and am hoping to be employed as soon as possible.  This is really good news for our family.  My husband has carried the burden for the past 4 1/2 years so that I can stay at home with Sophia.  For this I am eternally thankful.  I would also like to take this opportunity to thank my family and friends for all the support that we’ve received since Sophia was born.  I sometimes imagine how people who are put in our situation manage with out the support of friends and family.  I know I am blessed and loved.  But now it is time to write the next chapter for our family.  As my dad always says, I know everything is going to be ok.

3 Responses to “Back to School”

  1. Megan Says:

    I think Sophia needs to come give Elijah a lesson on how to enjoy sleeping in in the mornings. We have a true early riser on our hands, so I imagine once he starts school he will be getting US out of bed!

    How exciting that you’re going back to work! Exciting because it’s a new chapter and also because it means Sophia is doing so well. Good luck with your job search! Getting by on one income can cause stress in so many areas (we know this very well), can’t it? I’m still trying to find a money tree to plant in our yard.

    I’m also so glad to hear that Sophia is getting back into the swing of things at school. I have always envisioned her just blossoming in a school setting, as I’m sure she is doing.

    Have a good weekend, you guys. Thanks for the update! xo

  2. Granny Says:

    OMG those first day at school pictures made me so happy, she is beautiful and so glad she loves school
    I cannot believe how tall she is getting and that smile makes me melt
    Good job mike and Patty on raising such a sweet child

  3. Kenna Says:

    Wow! She seems to have grown so much more since June. I’m glad to hear things are great with school. I pray those evil germs stay away. I will keep your job situation in my prayers. Please let us all know how it turns out. You know what? If daddy could have a baby… you guys would never have to work again. The Globe, The Enquirer, People & tv gigs would set you for life. 🙂 Take care! Much love to all!

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